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Legal notices.

In accordance with the law of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, we inform you that this electronic commerce website ( is edited by the company RITUALIST, a company registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under the registration number 881 603 039 whose head office is: 231 rue Saint-Honoré 75001 Paris – Tel: + 33 (0) 9 50 31 68 48 – E-mail: and the editorial director is Rafael Gonzalez.
The website is hosted by the company 1 & amp; 1 Internet SARL 7, place de la Gare BP 70109 57200 Sarreguemines Cedex

The site, including exhaustively all texts, images, photographs, videograms, logos, pictograms, illustrations, menus, scripts and others are , unless otherwise stated, exclusive properties of the company RITUALIST which has an exclusive right over the related intellectual property rights. Any unauthorized reproduction or use is strictly prohibited. Photo credit: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Any copying, even partial, for any purpose is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of Ritualist.


The RITUALIST company attaches great importance and concern to protect the privacy as well as the personal and nominative data of its users and customers and undertakes to to ensure the best possible care of the obligations taken with regard to them.
Personal data is only collected on this site if an account is created , and / or order taking. They are confidential, reserved exclusively for the use of RITUALIST to ensure the execution of your order or record your contact details. (See our terms and conditions of sale). RITUALIST refuses to disclose this data to a third party.
We use cookie technology. A cookie is installed on your computer, it stores information relating to your browsing on our site (the pages you have visited, the date and time of the visit, etc.). We will be able to read this information on your future visits.
The shelf life of this information on your computer is 12 months. The processing of personal data is subject to an approach that respects the privacy of visitors and customers of our platform. The person responsible for processing this data is the company RITUALIST.
The rights of access, rectification and opposition, can be exercised by contacting the company RITUALIST by mail addressed to RITUALIST – Legal Department – 231 rue Saint-Honoré 75001 Paris, or by email to mentioning the title: “exercise of rights / personal data”.


As long as, in your capacity as a consumer, you have concluded an online contract with the company RITUALIST by purchasing a LuneNoire brand product, you have access to the online dispute resolution platform (“ODR platform”) set up by the European Commission for the out-of-court resolution of legal disputes that may arise with the company RITUALIST SASU. You can access the ODR platform at the Internet address .